Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What a Little Army Man has to do with God

You may not know that i carry around a little army man in my wallet. He's a centimetre tall and is the last of (i think) a couple of hundred i used to have as a little kid.

The reason i carry the little guy around is simple. He reminds me of my childhood. Both physically and spiritually.

Physically, he reminds me to pray for my parents. Spiritually, he reminds me that i am an adopted child of God.

I'm a big fan of creating reminders in life that continually point you to the things of God. Aside from my wallet, my other reminder occurs in my phone.

In my phone i have a continual note that simply says "Do you still love Jesus."

As a believer, this is the question that needs to be before me continually and answered daily.

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