Friday, September 5, 2008

Another Cecil!!!

Today at Seaforth i saw another Cecil.

For the uninitiated, Cecil is the name my car has. It is named after the old guy whom i brought the car off and matches the car perfectly. What better name could an old man brown, 1980's car have?

But there is another. Same make, same model, same COLOUR!

It made me wonder... Is the driver of the car being badgered because of mistaken identity? Is he seen as a reckless, negligent, careless, thoughtless, selfish driver? More importantly, is my Cecil's reputation being smeared by an impostor?

For the first time in my life i now want to drag race. My beaten, battered, war torn Cecil vs impeccably clean and well cared for Impostor Cecil.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think that car might be driven by people from my church. They have one that looks the same. Could be Cecil's long, lost body double.