Saturday, June 12, 2010

Waiting reasons

Last night i we talked about relationships/dating/sex with the older teens at youth group.

As i thought about the topic, and looked at the stuff that i have written on this blog, i noted that I've not said a lot aimed at young adults. Sure, the basic principals of sexuality and how it is best expressed carries over, but i think there is more to be said.

As you get older the pressure to have sex increases, especially if you are in a long-term relationship (or even short term!) or you have friends (or family!) who are wondering why you don't just take the plunge.

So... Like i did here, i want to give my responses to the four arguments people gave me, and are pretty common, to have sex once they are dating/or considering dating.

- How will you know you are both sexually compatible/don't you want to be "good" at sex for your partner?
- Don't you want to have sex with a bunch of different people, not just one till you die?
- Is the only reason you're a virgin because a book says you should be?
- Don't you limit the number of people you could potentially date?

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