Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spreading the love

Last year i posted my love for the people's Republic of China during the Olympics. The hope? Boost my blog views by roughly a billion or so.

Now a new wave of lovin is required.

After i saw this news story on how Aussie bloggers have angered our brethren over the ditch (http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/mp/5426019/aussie-bloggers-upset-kiwis/) i was inspired.

Kiwi's... there is no shame in being the second best nation on the edge of the Tasman Sea. You are second in regards to sports, beer, living standards and the majority of other measurable aspects. In fact, you should be proud. Very proud.

Now, if every person in New Zealand reads this blog then I'll increase my views by roughly 4.3 million (http://www.stats.govt.nz/populationclock.htm).

Then again... I'm not convinced it was worth it...

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