Saturday, March 26, 2011

Grave scrubbing

Yesterday wasn't a great day. Once I my class was evicted from our classroom for scripture and had a rambling lesson outdoors, the tone for the day was set.

Overall, nothing was tragically bad, just not good.

If I worked for the church down the street I'd perform my weekly ritual to put everything back into perspective.

The local Anglican church has a pretty ill kept cemetery and I think I would go out of my way to upkeep a different grave a week. I wouldn't chisel new tombstones, but a decent weeding and a general clean would be on the cards.

When my first girlfriend broke up with me, I took a walk through a cemetery on my way home. I found it gave magnificent perspective. Your problems are placed in a fresh order of importance.

Because, although yesterday had some ordinary moments, it wasn't really that bad a day...

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