Thursday, April 29, 2010

Leave it at the door

Whilst spending time with my niece yesterday, i think i embarrassed my sister.

To have Erin clean up her blocks (yeah, she's a girl, and we play blocks together...) i sang the clean up song. It's a simple tune - Everybody clean up, clean up, clean up. Everybody clean up and but the blocks away!

I sing, she dances and then we put a few blocks each into the container. Rinse and repeat until the floor is clean... from all 100 blocks.

The episode reminded me of a simple, but vital element when dealing with kids. Leave your awkwardness at the door.

Sing, dance, clap, make faces, be crazy... because they are kids... and they won't mind.


Nick said...

The easiest way to deal with Challenge Camp juniors - be crazy

Claire said...

When I teach my year one scripture class I seriously have this thought at the back of my mind most of the time; "I hope no one walks past right now"...

Claire said...

oh and don't forget to leave your dignity at the door with the awkwardness :P

Graham said...

Leave your dignity at the door was the original title for this post...