Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The step ask

A while back i raved about the power of the ask. In that case, it was about recruiting volunteers for ministry.

Now i want to blog about the step ask. The what you ask? Well... The invitation to someone you know, from someone else in your world.

The step ask first appeared on my radar with the "Way of the Master" TV shows (for those of you who have good memories, and were in small group, these are the "do you think you're a good person" guys). In an episode of their evangelism show they discussed witnessing to your family members. They made the point that asking those who know you best are sometimes the most difficult to ask to attend church. The same could probably be said for the closest friends in your life.

What does this have to do with the step ask you wonder???

Well I've seen the step ask in action thanks to Kim. For a while she has been inviting Gavin to church and on Sunday he actually came!

It reminded me of a stat that i remember, but could be a work of fiction. The stat says that it takes, on average, seven invitations to church before someone will actually rock up on a Sunday.

With the step ask your quota of seven is shared around.

Also, the step ask has the advantage of letting the invitee know that they will know someone else than their friend.

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