Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Solving all your Palm Sunday related problems

I've never claimed to be original. I will, relatively shamelessly, use, reuse, tweak and "adapt" things I have used and resources I've stumbled upon. 

So, just like I do every year, I lead my new church in the annual ritual of making palm leaf crosses.

And, like every year, I had to beg, borrow and steal palm branches from far and wide.

And, just like 2011, I had an epiphany from last Sunday.

In light of the effort every church goes to in order to pull off an epic palm Sunday, I want to make two resolutions that will rule over Christendom (if I were Pope Francis, this would have been my first announcement).

From now on, every church must do two things...

First, there must be a register of every adequate palm tree in suburban gardens and parks and everyone MUST allow church folk to come and prune them, free of charge, 10 days prior to Easter.

Second, before any church is built it MUST have planted within it's grounds at least two palm trees.

That is all.

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