Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Spiritual ADHD and personal reflection

I mentioned a few days ago that I just finished a conference that was heavy on personal reflection and I've been thinking more about why I dislike it.

Firstly, I know it's important. It's vital to take some time out and think about how things are going. I get it.

I get that you need to work out why thinks went well, how come some things flopped and if your life is in proper balance. I may not enjoy it, but I get it.

But the reason, from what I can tell, that personal reflection bugs me is because it seems so stationary.

You space to reflect on what's happening.
You need adequate time to process how you are feeling and why you react the way you do.
In short, you need to stop.

And society doesn't condition us to be comfortable with this. We value action over contemplation. We get fidgety when we have nothing to occupy ourselves with.

I admit it, I at time feel like I have spiritual ADHD.

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