Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mr X, Youth Pastor, cards

I've been you paid you ministry, excluding my looking-for-a-job "sabbatical", for five years, but in that period I've never been paid full-time.

At my first position, I was initially a fill in whilst they looked to hire someone else. They stuck with me, and over three years, I went from 20-25-30 hours per week. But for years the name of the previous youth minister was still on the church noticeboard. Due to my potentially transient state, the change was just overlooked.

At my second position I was on 15 hours a week. Not enough to live healthily on and a job that was "dipping my toe back into ministry."

Again, it took a while to have my details on the church signage (this could say more about the speed that churches work then anything else).

Now, a year into my current position, I face a dilemma that was put to me by my minister. He asked if I had personal business cards (now that I've made a stack of promotional ones for the youth group).
Do I get business cards for my work?
Do I trust that I will be here long enough for them to be worthwhile?
Do I expect that my details will remain the same?

Currently, I have a stack of blank denominational cards on my desk.

Tomorrow I'll post why the question matters...

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