Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I sometimes feel awkward getting all riled up about giving. Sure, it is important that it happens, but often you feel like you're bleating at the faithful and missing those who really need to hear the message.

But, on some occasions it is demoralising to find that the offertory wouldn't cover the cost that was incurred by the two staff embers be around for two hours each. Or even one hour. Or even 20 minutes.

Sure, direct debt isn't counted in the plate and everyone could be doing it. But, in reality, this is not the case. The financial papers back this up.

So... imagine... whilst still giving to God generously and avoiding legalism... If you converted your offering to ministry-per-hour, say $20, what message would it send to those who worked on the service?

What if the question was reversed and you converted you offering into the time it took you to earn?

Even more frightful, what if the effort ministers put in matched the wage of the plate the week prior? Would it buy you a whole service? If so, would it buy you a good one?

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