Thursday, April 9, 2015

What if the journey of My Grey stops midway?

At my church the minister is big on "taking the journey of Easter" the way it was intended.

At Easter, you should "ride the journey" with the disciples and, as much as possible, not skim over or jump forward in the story just because you're aware of the ending.

Thus, you don't kill Jesus on the Thursday, you grieve the Friday and you don't resurrect Jesus until the Sunday.

This is a danger of both Easter and, deeply regrettably, 50 Shades of Grey.

With Jesus, we can downplay the events of Good Friday in light of Easter Sunday.

With Christian Grey, some can overlook the dangerously abusive elements (which I wrote about here) of the relationship he has with Ana because he "changes," "leaves that lifestyle" and "become a family man" by the end of the trilogy.

The trouble with this "reasoning for Mr Grey" is, for far too many people watching, they aren't aware of the end of the "journey." Instead, they just hear that the abuse in the first film is somehow acceptable.

Worse, how many women, aware of the ending, will stay with their harmful partners because they "might be able to be changed as well?"

Furthermore, what about those who, for whatever reason, don't reach the "feel-good" conclusion for Christian's "salvation"?

What happens if the second movie bombs and they never make the third?

Will the 50 Shade apologists turn on the movie because it's missing its "redemptive chapter"?

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