Friday, September 7, 2012

The fresh perspective evaporates

A few weeks ago, due to the funding of my position immanently running out and the expansions of my family (when a church hires someone part-time then it's unusual that they will retain someone beyond one changed life stage), it was announced to my church that I will be moving on at the end of the year. 

Including my current position, I've worked at three churches. The first was my home church, but the other two were new frontiers. 

Come next year, I'll (hopefully) be at another church doing paid youth ministry.

And when I arrive the countdown will be on...

For, when you arrive at a new place, you arrive with a new set of eyes. You are an outsider. Everything, including the long-held traditions, are foreign.

But, eventually, you cease being an outsider and start to become an insider.

And then, before you know it, you lose that fresh perspective...

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