Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I saw your formal dress yesterday... but I'm not a stalker!

I noticed your formal photos.
I know it was your birthday on Tuesday.
I heard that your science exam kinda sucked.
I saw that you broke up.
It's very exciting that you got a new car or passed your L''s exam yesterday.

If I said these things to a teenager a decade ago I would've been accused of stalking.

Now the info comes to me via Facebook.
I don't even have to chase for it to interrupt my world.

The trouble is, if you share something which has popped up on your Facebook wall, the impression received is that you're a stalker (especially for a parent).

I wonder how that don't-make-it-appear-like-your-stalking-me feeling works for a for-something-to-be-genuine-I-must-post-this-immediately generation and their family.

Perhaps, if they didn't share every snippet of their life or were more discerning with either a) the people they "friend" or b) the privacy settings of their page,  this would be less of an issue.

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