Thursday, September 27, 2012


Yesterday I wrote about Christian suffering being different from suffering for being a dickhead (can you tell I'm enjoying using that word?). But I've been meaning to write a post using the term for a while.

Yesterday's wasn't the intended topic.
The original post has to do with the point of salvation.

For I feel that, for some, the aim of following Jesus is about being a good bloke. For some, the Aussie gospel is that there will be no dickheads in heaven.

The truth is that Christianity isn't primarily about being a better bloke. Instead, it is about healing the division between you, me and a perfect God. It is about finding purpose and meaning within the Kingdom of God and the unfolding of salvation history.

And whilst the following-Jesus-will-make-you-a-better-bloke should happen to some degree this isn't the main point we should be pushing.

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