Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sneaky clock watching

My current church didn't have a clock in the sanctuary until a month ago.

Then I put one in. It sits in a nook which can be clearly seen from the front, but Isn't visible by the choir or attention grabbing from the rest of church.

The reason for this was simple. I struggled to keep my talks within the short time frame of the chapel services and loosing track of time was the preventable cause.

But the motive for adding the time piece was beyond mid-week chapel and extended to Sunday services.

No one enjoys a service that drags on. A clock is the easy fix. I am stunned that every church doesn't have a manner to keep track of time.

It sends the clear message that the time of those in the congregation is important. It sends the message that their time is valuable. It honours the time that we share on a Sunday.

And hopefully it means the demise of 60 minute diatribes and two hour services.

1 comment:

kim said...

i went to a church up here and the minister spoke for 1 hour and 20 mins! its an AOG church so i guess its pretty normal for them. i just found that he was rambling but not really saying anything, and you could tell the rest of the congregation had zoned out too, all the 'thats right!', 'for sure' and 'amen''s had stopped.