Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Creative Cecil

Oh my car...

On my way to work this morning my lovely car had another minor mishap.

After the years I've had fixing and repairing Cecil, he's had to get creative because he's running out of new things to break down.

This time? The opening of the gas tank.

You would think nothing could go wrong with the tiny door on the side of your car, but crafty Cecil found a way. I tried to simply unlatch the door. But Cecil had other ideas. In his world, you pull the lever with the petrol pump on it... and nothing happens!

Does the door open? No. Does it even make any sound? Nope. Instead? A spooky silence and the realisation that you can't drive far without refilling the car with petrol.

The solution? Slip a guy twenty bucks at the mechanics and he proceeds to remove the tiny door, bash it for a few minutes and put it back on. Presto!

The lesson from today? Anything can be fixed if you slip someone a few dollars and they give it a good bashing...


Anonymous said...

my brother levers his open with a screw driver

Anonymous said...

The lesson for today seems similar to what the mafia might think about things, if you catch my drift.