Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Tiny Bible Bit selection process

In light of yesterday's post noting a few of the Tiny Bible Bits of 2012, I'll going to answer a question which I'm occasionally asked... 

Where do I get the passage/verse of the day from?

The answers are fairly simple and not that profound.

By now I've written just shy of 200 posts and none of then have come to me in a dream. 
Or a vision.
Or a burning bush.

If it's a time in the calendar or liturgical year which leans towards a passage, or group of passages, then I'll obviously head in that direction.

Most often the selected verse will flow from what I'm doing the rest of the week, be it a scripture lesson, kids club lesson or sermon. Sometimes the reflections will be lifted straight from what I'm doing, and at other times, they will be the extra details which "hit the cutting room floor."

Now and then the verse will be drawn out of what I've been personally reading in the bible, in books or through my study.

Finally, if these options are fruitless, then I'll select one from these verses.

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