Monday, August 27, 2012

Baptist's baptism reconciliations?

Yesterday I wrote a post about baptism and the chief reason why my wife and I aren't going to get our daughter baptised.

As I thought about it today I was reminded by the baptism-based employment proposition which I wrote about (poorly I might add!) here.

The those who can't be bothered to click through to my poorly worded earlier post, a baptist church I interviewed with wanted me to be fully-immersed baptised upon employment with them.

I now wonder, how would a Baptist church reconcile my stance of nothing-more-then-to-be-included-within-the-faith-community if this is one of the very reasons considered unsatisfying for infant baptism?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Romans 14: 1-12 would be a good place to start. You just have to figure out who has the 'strong faith' in this context...