Friday, July 20, 2012

The most important quality of a scripture teacher

For great slabs of this week, being the first week back from school holidays, I've been able to get by on my charm. I can keep conversations about favourite activities and wacky adventures going for nearly half a scripture lesson.

I was discussing this with one of my fellow teachers and she said that she couldn't do it.

I replied that she didn't have to.

As useful as charm and charisma might be, these are not the most important quality of a scripture teacher.

And it's not even close.

The most important quality is not being an extrovert, being an amazing communicator or a biblical scholar (as important and useful as these qualities might be!).

It's showing kids that you're an adult who genuinely cares about them and what is going on in their life. And beyond that, it's letting the kids know that you act the aforementioned way because you're a Christian.

This is what they'll remember in the long run...

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