Friday, November 18, 2022

Why every church needs a kid’s ministry cheat sheet

The kid’s name

Date of birth

Father’s name

Father’s occupation

Mother’s name

Mother’s occupation

Dietary information

Length of time at church

Other pertinent details (for example, attends fortnightly, parents divorced, pressing health concerns or history, interests, activities which may restrict attendance)

This is the list of information all churches should know and have available to those working with children within a church congregation setting.

This information lets you enter a ministry situation with your eyes open.

It allows an unfamiliar person to be able to make and see connections.

It allows for personal touches to be included.

It highlights red flags that a new person could trip over.

It assists in the development of relationships.

In short, this cheat sheet puts someone on the highway to making those they newly minister to feel a sense of belonging.

Now, the teaching can incorporate personal connections.

Important dates won’t be overlooked.

Awkward parent interactions can be somewhat averted because you now have some background information to chat about.

Basically, this information arms you and bales you out.

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