Sunday, February 26, 2023

The secret sauce of men’s ministry

Sometimes we complicate ministry.

We give it structure.

We add administration.

We want a funky name and logo.

Effective ministry to men can usually forgo this.

It needs, alongside the logistical needs of a time & place, two requirements.

1. A non threatening environment.

2. Mature male Christians.

If you nail these two… men will more likely come and ministry will naturally occur.

I’m planning to put this to the test.

I’m hoping to do something new.

Time. Place. Food. Chat. No RSVP. No booking. No regular commitment.

Just a location for guys to meet up over dinner.

Somewhere to get to know the guys from church better.

Somewhere non threatening to invite your non Christian mates.

Somewhere to fill your belly and have a chat.

Hopefully, with fewer hoops to jump through, guys will be more likely to take the leap.

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