Monday, February 13, 2017

For... With... Together

I'm going to pray for us...
I'm want to invite you to pray with me...
Let's pray together...

The above sentences all result in the same thing. The person up the front prays aloud.

But, the above sentences are not the same for those listening.

The first tells you to passively watch.
The second tells you to actively listen.
The third invites you to be involved.

Now, in certain occasions and audiences, the first or second options will be a better fit.

If you're uncertain about the religious beliefs of those in attendance then you shouldn't force them to prayer...
But, in a church setting, you should always lean towards the latter option.

Anyone up the front of a church service should actively fight against being a mere talking head.

The trouble is, especially when dealing with youngsters, we only use the first prompting to initiate prayer, giving a poor example to follow.

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