Sunday, June 10, 2012

... And that's a God thing!

I've written quite a bit about what churches want to be known for.

For the sake of this post it doesn't really matter what it is... Children's ministry, outreach to the poor, a welcoming church, a strong music ministry, a heart for the outback...

One thing with is essential.

When people look at your niche.
When they are drawn in by your focus.
When they are amazed at your speciality.

They should be pointed towards Christ.

This is why you are the way you are.

You care in an extraordinary manner... because you want to reflect the heart God has for others.
You shelter and speak up for the homeless... because they are made in the image of God.
You especially minister to families... because they matter to God.
Your playgroup is different... because it is run by those who know and love Christ.

Without the later half of the above observations, you have a social club or an organisation like Rotary, not a church.

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