Monday, July 5, 2010

Ideal killing meetings

I want to think that those who work for churches begin with good intentions and an ideal that working for a church will be a good thing.

For a time... it is. Hopefully a lengthy time.

But eventually a fateful meeting comes that shatters that dream. A meeting where you leave asking how those involved are the same people you see each Sunday.

At my current church i haven't walked into that meeting, but i heard about one happen to someone else and it sucks. What happened to this guy was pretty crap and i know that Ange hated going through a similar experience.

I've only been in a few meetings that have had me genuinely wondering what the heck just occurred and how people who love Jesus can be so ideal-shaking.

But this is the risk that God took when He left the gospel in the hands of the church and the people who make up its parts.

Maybe ministry jobs should come with a disclaimer that, at times, churches will make decisions and cause a ruckus that will not reflect what you think the church should be like.

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