Monday, May 17, 2010

Hand stories

During the morning service i gave a short sermonette, with a further introduction of myself to the morning service as one of the aims.

I initially invited the congregation to look at their hands and share the story they tell. It was an idea that only came to me that morning and it worked really well.

Until i got married my hands told a pretty dull tale. I wore no jewelry and had no scars.

Over the last few weeks my hands have started to tell a larger story.

Now that I'm not reading water meters (the aforementioned scar being from a dog bite) I've began wearing my Pop's old ring, which is also identical to one my Dad used to wear.

The ring constantly reminds me of them both and gives me a reason to talk about them when i share the story of my hands.

My new young adult sharing question will be to get someones hand story. Then find out who there Penny is.

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