Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ministry thieves

This morning i lead me first service at my new church. I think it went alright...

I focused around the sentence "It is Good to be in the house of the Lord, one more time."

I would love to say that i came up with the idea myself, but i actually ripped it off a speaker from a conference i went to in 1999.

It reminds me of a saying that was used in a lecture at college. "A good teacher is a good thief." Sure, not exactly Christian, but true all the same.

I find that we often try to re-invent the wheel when we don't really need to. Ministry is advantageously cyclic. You get exposed to a whole new bunch of kids every six years. You get a new opportunity at each different church. You can recycle resources, updating and improving on what you're already familiar with.

Furthermore, we should learn from those who have gone before us. Why bust you hump creating something that already exists, or rack your brain for ideas that can be easily found?

I don't think it's something that you should rely on all the time, but I reckon it is fairly good time management.

After all... The Bible says... There is nothing new under the sun...

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