Sunday, February 13, 2022

The place where your ministry hobby horse grows

I’ve written about ministers having hobby-horses before.

I’ve also shared the two ministry-related topics that I could ramble on about.

For me, my two hobby-horses were developed over a number of years in ministry, especially in dealing with the struggles younger guys face.

I suspect that most ministers develop their driving topic while they are still studying.

Most likely, this burning question is cultivated through an assignment, subject or research project.

Hobby-horses are inevitable. They are a result of passion.

And this passion is fired during seminary.

It is refined.

I wonder though, does a developing minister realise that they hobby-horse is growing? 

Furthermore, should a minister seek to ever align his topic-of-choice with a prospective church?

If not, do they realise - after a lengthy tenure - the influence their passion (even unconsciously) will have on their congregation?

Or, should a minister’s passion be shaped by the church they are serving in?

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