Tuesday, May 10, 2011

God did good... DESPITE you.

God did good, you just happened to get in the way...

Every so often this would be what was said jokingly after an evening service at my home church.

The longer I'm in ministry the more I sense that the outside perspective isn't the most helpful.

Sometimes events run flawlessly. Sometimes they are expected to, without any behind-the-scenes angst.

Normally this is not the case.

Things aren't flawless and angst runs amok.

I've had things go really well and the whole time my stomach has been tied in knots. Sure, I'm Mr Cucumber on the outside (is in cool as a...), but inside I'm butterfly city.

It is useful to remember that sometimes success happens DESPITE the leader. Churches grow DESPITE the leadership. Sermons change people's lives DESPITE the person holding the microphone. Kids encounter and grow in God DESPITE the well worked programs.

Ideally, the two work in a harmonious partnership.

BUT... Despite the talking head up the front, we must remember that the credit ultimately belongs to God.

God does good... Often.

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