Thursday, May 23, 2024

Would models in the pulpit and classroom help or hurt?

I’m not hot.

In fact, I just asked my wife and she said that I’m a “six or seven” out of ten. A five or six, apparently, when wearing my glasses.

So, I’m not a hot teacher.
I wasn’t a hot youth minister.

In short, this post most definitely doesn’t apply to myself.

But, I’ve known plenty of pretty and handsome colleagues both within the church and classroom.

If this a positive or a negative?
Does being attractive help in the classroom or pulpit?

Does the ability to draw they eye help focus or distract others?
Does the dreamy teacher distract from the lesson intentions?
Does the pretty minister detract from the gospel?

Overall, I assume that there is a threshold that gets crossed into the scope of distraction.

Perhaps this is why Jesus isn’t described as a dreamboat in Isaiah 53:2 - “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him” - and the Apostle Paul is described in the non-canonical Acts of Paul (which should be taken with a mountain of salt) as “A man small in size, bald-headed, bandy-legged, well-built, with eyebrows meeting, rather long-nosed, full of grace.”

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