Thursday, May 30, 2024

The advantage of not remembering the better times

I’ve now been teaching for a few years, I still consider myself a newbie in many ways. One reminder is the fact that I’m surrounded by a lot of colleagues with a lot more experience.

And they are incredible.
They are supportive.
They love their jobs.

Some have been teaching for decades, across a number of schools and settings.

Many can recall “better times.”

Many can recall a superior workload.
Many can recall a healthier work/life balance.
Many can recall when the behaviour in the classroom was better.
Many can recall when the teaching profession was held in higher esteem.

I can’t.

For me, there has been no “greener pasture” in the past.
There is no “knowing better.”

And, in some ways, this is an advantage.

For me, the workload has always been consistent.
The expected amount of admin is the same.
The levels of mandatory training are unchanged.
The degrees of bureaucracy is what I originally signed up for.
The behaviour hasn’t deteriorated.

There is no baggage from a favoured the past.
There is no pinning for better days.

Maybe it is naivety.
But, it can also be an advantage.

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