Sunday, February 28, 2021

2020-2021 Summer goals summary

 It’s the last day of summer.

So, how did I go in achieving my Summer goals?

1 - The aim was to get back down to 78kg. I didn’t. I’m currently 83, down from a max of 85. So, I’m heading in the right direct...


2 - It took until last night, but I finally finished writing up 1473 Tiny Bible Bits posts. As nice as it has been to go over then, it took far longer than I first envisaged. But, it’s completed...


3 - The aim was to complete all the lessons of the German Duolingo course. While I’ve completed all the lessons as of this week, my OCD won’t let me consider it really finished until I’ve read every outstanding story - of which there are about 60. They should be done by the end of the month. 

I’m still looking forward to my next language. I’ve even told a few people what it will be.


4 - I wanted to read two non-fiction books. In part, due to the unexpected amount of work it took to finish the Tiny Bible Bit audit, I only finished a book and a half.


5 - Operation No Nail Biting failed, I’m more aware of my chewing, have cut down and would still like to quit.


6 - The aim to blog twice per week, obviously, didn’t happen. I completed around one post per week. While this is slightly more than the last few years, it seems like this is the pace renewed University study will allow.


7 - Over the last week I started to make some progression on the medical front, actually seeing my optometrist and making a booking for a new dentist. While there was some progress, a few tasks are still outstanding.


So, I only achieved two out of seven aims. 

What does that mean?

What lessons did I learn?

I’ll tell you in my next post...

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