Sunday, January 26, 2014

Mourn-stalking the old kids?

Even though it was my birthday yesterday, and I'm barely holding onto my mid-thirties, my entire ministry experience has occurred within the age of social media. Thus, many of the young people at churches I've worked at are my friends on Facebook. Most days I'll get some sort of update about what is happening in the life of someone who makes me think... "Oh yeah, I remember that kid..."

But I wonder about the generation of youth ministers before me.

Do they stalk those who were in their ministries on social media, and if so, how do they feel about what they find?

I'm sure, when former kids are getting married or having babies, they would get a warm fuzzy.

But what if their life has taken an unfortunate turn?

Is social media stalking, in some instances, a source of mourning for what they see play out and hoped could have been?

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