Monday, February 13, 2012

Meeting euthanising

I've written a bit about meetings. Good meetings. Bad meetings. Productive meetings. Mind-numbing, kill-me-now meetings.

When you work for a church, or are just an active member of a congregation, you have lots of meetings.

I had one last night.

As the meeting was arranged I was told that the term "meeting" was... unproductive. In fact, I recall being told that it sucked.

The more I think about it, the more I agree.

The term "meeting" should be stricken from the church vernacular.
So should "think tank."
So should "committee."
For good measure, toss in "consultation."

Churches should work in terms of "conversations," "gatherings" and "get togethers."

Maybe we'd have more people attend our "meetings" then.

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