Monday, February 6, 2012

Living in someone elses' generosity

Previously I've written about potential awkwardness created when the topic of bequests (money left to the church, sometimes earmarked for specific purposes, once someone has died) is rasied.

Last week I was told that there are people who are hired by the church to do the "bequest request." (Would they be the closest the church has to the angel of death? The essclesiastical Grim Reamer?)

But bequests are a phenominal way for the saints of the past to leave a legacy for the future. Many churches are living in the midst of their generosity.

The wages of staff members are paid.
Grants for new ministries come from these funds.
New properties are purchased.

In fact, my position is funded by the generosity of someone who is now "with the Lord."

In a time when it can be all too common, and too easy, to bag out "the oldies," perhaps we should be thankful that many good things the church is currently doing is (in part) able to happen due to bequests.

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