Friday, November 4, 2011

Remembering parent's names

It still blows my mind that I will be a father in under five months. My wife and I just got our 20 week ultrasound and I actually saw the face of my baby... Wow.

The whole series of events has reminded me of a failing that I'm currently, unsuccessfully, trying to remedy.

Connecting with parents.

I'm sure I've shared how, despite the importance in remembering them, I struggle to recall names.

My new aim is to remember the names of kid's parents and have even gone so far as to make a cheat sheet.

The reasons are simple...

1 - When you remember a name it shows that you care about them as a person.

2 - If you know the name of a parent, during a rare conversation that does occur, you can use their name. A big help in communication!

3 - Through doing points one and two, you can build trust, which is important if the parents are to leave their most prised possession with you!

4 - When you do need to contact the parents in emergencies, like an event going overtime, then you are not a complete stranger on the other end of phone (not to mention that you will know who to ask for!).

5 - If you know the name of a parent, you can initiate a conversation and talk about one of their favourite subjects. Their kids! Parents love hearing others rave about their younglings. Knowing parents names opens the door for this opportunity.

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