Sunday, June 19, 2011

Personal defense

Should a youth minister have to personally defend their job?

Given enough time...
Given enough budget cycles...
Given enough financial wobbles...
Given enough "fiscal shrinkage within the pews"...
A youth minister may have to stand before the congregation or church council and pitch to keep their job.

And I think it would be the wrong thing to do. At least long term.

For me, when I look at the question that kicked off this post, the word that jumps out at me is personally.

If the youth minister gives a dazzlingly passionate presentation and retains the job, then I think the focus gets misdirected.

If the church needs to be convinced of the value of youth ministry, then I think it should come from within the church. It is THEIR ministry after all. Not solely that of the bloke with the messy office.

What would happen if the youth minister gets hit by a bus the week after? Does this risk bringing the ministry feasibility down?

If the youth minister needs to dance for his job, I think it might...

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