Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The vibe of influence

This morning i was on a panel at a local school which was discussing the topic of influence during their weekly chapel service.

I only found out that i was going to do the event the night before (not that I'm complaining!) so i skimmed through various books I'd read that deal with the subject and reminisced about the times when I've mentioned influence on this blog.

The things i learnt/remembered about influence?

Influence shapes your worldview and the decisions that you make.

Everyone is effected by influence. You live amongst it. You are influenced by your culture, the media, events in your life and the people around you.

Influence can be either positive or negative. You are fed both every day.

Each of us wield the power of influence. Influence comes through connection so, if you're aware of it or not, you influence those around you everyday.

The influence that others have on you displays how intertwined our lives are and how our actions never solely impact ourselves.

Influence rises with relationships and these are cultivated with time, significance and vulnerability.
You have greater influence with increased presence with another.
You are allowed greater influence in anothers' life with shared moments of significance.
Influence expands the more you get beside and open your life with someone else.

The bible isn't silent on the topic.
Influence is mentioned from the birth of the Hebrew nation and how they will interact with their neighbours in the Promised Land. I posted on this here.
Influence is seen through men like Samson, Solomon and Ahab, like i wrote about here.
The authors of the book of Proverbs and the Psalms tell of the importance of those you are friends with and the company you keep.
Jesus and Paul both warn against the dangerous influence of others. They use the example of yeast infusing and affecting dough as an analogy of influence.

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