Wednesday, July 26, 2023

How do you announce the latest death?

People die. 

Obviously, this includes those who attend churches. They are not protected from the scourge of the Reaper.

But, I’m curious about the manner that churches announce a death of a congregant.

Church-wide email?

An announcement from the pulpit?

A message on the notice board?

But, these methods provoke further questions…

How “in” the church do you need to be before you receive an acknowledgment?

How old do you need to be?

Does it need to be an unexpected passing?

Do either of these last two questions even come into consideration?

Furthermore, if the announcement is only made via email or in person, these methods only reach those actively within the congregation.

What about lapsed members?

How about those whom have a historical legacy at the church but have moved on due to life-change?

A pain of leaving behind a faith-community which you’re connect with is, over time, you lose contact with your former church.

And thus, you will miss the deaths of people you knew.

You’ll miss the passing of those you looked up to.

You’ll miss the funerals of those who were your spiritual examples.

And, without some kind of death notice you can sign up to, it is inevitable as the years pass on…

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