Monday, January 23, 2023

What you need to launch a new ministry

No church should do everything.

Many churches shouldn’t do most things.

They simply cannot.

So, how do you decide what you do, and importantly, if you should launch into something new?

To start, there has to be a needThe ministry must have someone to serve or a need to meet. Without these then you’re just opening your doors and keeping busy for no one.

Second, the ministry must have a desire. This is both internal and external. There must be a yearning to have this ministry exist. This will give it energy. Both those within the church and outside of the ecclesiastical walls need to see that this ministry will be beneficial. Without desire, the ministry will quickly become a burden.

Finally, the ministry must have an ability. You need to logistically be able to pull off the event or activity. You need a space. You need people. You need training. You need time. Without these, then the ministry is a dream for the future, but not today.

Of course, this post doesn’t have to be a ministry vision killer.

In fact, it can be a catalyst for something grander than just a solo church launching something on their lonesome.

In partnership with other churches, a need, desire and ability can be channeled and utilised. They can share the ministry, pooling resources and enthusiasm.

But, without the trilogy of a solid need, desire and ability, then any perspective ministry will quickly find itself in troubled waters.

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