Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The short-term holiday workload for the long-term payoff

Year 10 History.

Year 9 History Elective.

Year 9 mainstream History.

Year 8 History.

Year 8 Geography.

Year 7 History.

Year 7 Geography.

Day 1: 

Complete an overview of the subject based upon the syllabus and the way the subject has been previously taught.

Review the assessment tasks.

Stalk the Google Classrooms from the previous year for my classes and those of my colleagues.

Day 2:

Make notes on a topic from the course from a textbook.


Find resources and teaching material from the various acquired magazines, books and resource Facebook groups that link in with the subject overviews.

This has been the nightly activities during the school holidays.

In theory, I could forego the depth of this prep for the upcoming school year.

Without doubt, in a few years time this preparation will be significantly condensed.

But not yet.

Not for a few more years.

Currently, I’m still earning my teaching stripes.

I’m still paying my dues.

Frankly, I’m too new and green to be complacent.

And, the more prep I do now, the more it will pay off in the future.

In the confidence I’ll have in week one of term.

In the preparation I’ll have in a few months from now.

In the groundwork I’ll have laid for a few years from now.

So, while I’ve got a bunch of work ahead of me for the rest of the month, the payoff makes it all worthwhile.

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