Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Why you should send the words of your prayer

I’ll share with you the biggest lie that christians tell each other... 

I’ll pray for you.

Truth be told, you probably won’t. 

Life is busy.
You have your own problems.

Forgetting to pray for someone isn’t an act or malice. Usually, it’s merely due to forgetfulness or as an avenue to show care for someone else, but commit a short timeframe.

Frankly, we can and should do better. 

One effective way to convey the concern we have for others and show someone we are actually praying for them is the following...

Show them the words.

Send them the prayer you pray.
Let them know what specifically you prayed for.

Aside from showing the person that you’ve actually kept your word, this can also be a source of encouragement for the immediate timeframe and, by the physical keepsake, an encouragement for the future.

When the person holds the words you pray, these can be really impactful.

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