Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Is church growth the norm?

I grew up in the third largest Christian denomination in Australia.
I worked in the same denomination, for over a decade, across four churches.
Additionally, I’ve regularly attended three other churches over two denominations.

My first church had a children’s and youth ministry which grew for around a decade, but nothing which I would consider explosive.

I’ve never been in a church which has had sustained growth of their primary congregation.

I wonder, is this normal?

I suspect, for many western christians, the answer would be the affirmative.

No matter the publicity which megachurches receive, these are not the norm.

The norm is... stagnant. Maybe a slow decline.

I wonder what affect this has.

Does it affect the way modern Christians relate to the book of Acts?
Does it affect the way western Christians respond to churches which are growing?

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