Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spreading out the dots

I'm going to let you in on a little secret.

This blog isn't really about my random thoughts on ministry and church. Really, it's about WORLD DOMINATION!!!

I love the visitors map on my blog. I love the dots that spring up all over the globe. I love it when 1-9 dots engorge into 10-99 dots.

And i love the power of knowing well in advance which countries will explode in a pretty display of visitor dots. Lately i was waiting with tingling expectation for Italy and the UAE to appear. 14 hours later, appear they did.

Well... There are a few places that my blog still needs to infiltrate.

China, Alaska, South Africa, I'm looking at you.

STOP PRESS: South Africa is about to be lit up. Now if only Anchorage and Beijing/Shanghai can pull their weight...

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