Tuesday, March 8, 2022

A nothing post... in a good way

I've been meaning to blog for a week.

But, frankly, I've had nothing pressing to write about.


Because I'm now teaching fulltime. And it's week 7 of terrm.

The new-profession buzz has started to wear off.

My bible reading is still moving going along regularly - I've now done Genesis 1-25, Judges and am currently in 1 Kings 1-11.

There isn't any impending church issues, wider ministry controverises or pressing pastoral conundrums which have emerged.

While I'll need to track down another job soon, have finally (offically) finished university and had my eldest have a hospital stay... Life has just... been happening. 

In many ways, I've just been living out adult-monotony

And, as I previously wrote, this is a good thing.

For, life shouldn't be a constant rollarcoaster.

Yet, this can be what we project online.

There's always controversy.

There's always insights or "breakthroughs."

There's always Instagramable-moments.

These are the markers of a reality TV show. Not real life.

Real life is boring.

Real life... just happens.

When it comes to the days, weeks and months of our lives, when held up against Isaiah 40:31, we are most often walking, not running or soaring.

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