Friday, July 15, 2011

That don't impress me much

This week I've been on holidays and my main jobs for the week have been going to my Mum's to use her Internet, sorting out my enrolment for further study, staying up late to watch Le-Tour, and being roused out of my morning slumber by our cat smacking me in the head.

In short, I've done very, very little.

But for this post I'm going to channel my inner Shania Twain.

Because people who tell me that it has been years since their last vacation don't impress me much.
People who talk up working the last 19 days straight don't impress me much.
People who are proud of their 14 hour days or 80 hour work week don't impress me much.

People, particularly those in ministry, shouldn't be big-headed about of their lack of sleep. They shouldn't brag about their level of tiredness.

Because it is not good. It is not something to pride yourself on.

If God could rest, then you doing the opposite isn't a thing to be proud of.

In the end you will pay for it. Physically. Emotionally. Relationally.

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