
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bomb in the blog

When you speculate that ministry in Christian schools (and young people in general), if done in a rubbish way, could be a hindrance to youth responding to the gospel you'd think there would be outrage. Comments would flood in defending children's, youth ministries and the school chaplaincy program. You would be branded a heretic and your faith in a God who works through fallen humans questioned.


Nothing but eerie silence.

You can read what i wrote and hurl you're own bomb in the comments section here.


  1. Hey Graham

    Hang on, you only waited a day before jumping to conclusions!! (I'm allowed to say that as I'm probably the most impatient person in the world, but God's working with me on that one!)

    I think a little (or perhaps big at times) kick up the butt is what we all need sometimes to help us keep our priorities focused on His Kingdom. So, though in hindsight you might have chosen to say it a little differently, perhaps it was a good challenge you threw out there.

    Sometimes we can get stuck in a rut, and get blaze in ministry. I haven't been involved in youth ministry myself, but have been involved with kids ministry. Looking back, I got less creative as time went by, and put in less effort cause with time you can more easily wing it, which is where someone gently challenging you and rekindling your passion can be helpful.

    But as you say in your post, God does use us flaws and all. Our failure to commit everything, including our planning and thinking, to Him and to be creative and do things differently thankfully doesn't stop Him from working. But if we are seeking Him first, we'll hopefully be more creative and reach more people with the gospel.

  2. True, i did only give it a day, and more time was needed. Since that day comments have exploded to... three.

    The comments actually resonate quite a bit with what you said. Well said.

    Additionally, it was a thinly-veiled excuse to point those who hadn't yet checked out Tom's blog to do so.

  3. You happy now with your seven or so comments?
