
Friday, November 10, 2023

Should a healthy church expect a boomerang generation?

I mentioned in this post that I returned to visit my home church a few weeks ago.

Between the years of 2002 and 2016, the idea of returning to my original church wasn’t a reality. I was in vocational youth ministry. I had my own church services to run.

Now, I could return back to my spiritual nest.

Of course, what I’m going to ponder is context specific.

In some places, living expenses will demand that grown-up youth will - in all likelihood - never be able to return to reside in the suburb of their spiritual rearing.

But, in a world where housing prices aren’t spiralling out of control, would returning generation be an expectation for a congregation.

Should some, when they are within easy driving distance, be drawn back to the place they first encountered Jesus?

Should a church expect that those who were sent away due to transitioning life-stages, inevitably return?

Of course, this isn’t why you do children’s or youth ministry.

And, undoubtedly, this is a horrible evangelistic strategy if it’s all you’re relying upon.

Nonetheless… is a boomerang generation a sign of a healthy church?

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