
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sims Church questions

I have a file on my computer called "Sim's church."

It is a checklist which I collected when my wife and I were looking for a church a few years ago.

There is not a church on the planet who would check every box, but the file documents some of the things which went through my mind as a visitor.

Some of the questions (and some have far greater value then others) were...

Website/Facebook - Do they have one? Is it quality? Was it easy to find? Does it have the vision statement on it? Is it explained? What links do they have to other ministries/websites? Is it easy to navigate? Is it up to date? What does it have pictures of - Building, people, minister? Do they have previous sermons on the site? Do they tell me what’s coming up? Is there a map on the site?

Parking - Is there any? Is it close? Is there disabled parking? If it were full what number would be inside 4x? Visitor parking?

Welcome/Entrance - Found easily? Disabled access? Welcomed at door? Info sign with times, ph #, minister? Welcome pack? Sounds prior - music? Quality advert - know it’s open?

Notices - Colour? Pictures? Typos? Ministries advert? Written liturgy? Prayer points? Space for sermon notes? Articles from staff? Notes during service - fun, visual, quick?

Building - Temperature - Too hot, too cold? Heaters/fans/air con/windows? Lighting - Natural? Spotlight? All work? Too dark? Bright colours? Distractions? Comfortable chairs? Pews? 80% full? Can we sit together? Where do the people sit- Front/back?

Singing - Quality? Sound good - buzz? Range of instruments? PowerPoint? Typos? Copyright showing? Use of Body in worship encouraged? Age of songs - known hymns? People enthusiastically singing?

Bible - Read? Version? Provided? How many brought own? Valued in sermon?

Kids - Stuff on? Would you know? Included in service? Crèche? Good toys? Safe for kids - OHS? Basketball ring? Tape on hall floor? Stuff done displayed? Primary/HS separate? Youth and children noticeboard?

Preaching - PowerPoint/Visual? Creative? Expository? Applicable? Bible used? Note taking an option? Responsive? Guests? Balance of NT/OT? Length? Interesting? Personal? Appropriate humour? Spot something I didn’t?

Misc - Did it start on time? Finish on time?
How did they do communion?
Age/life stage of minister?
Age range of congregation - 22-35yo?
Giving bags/plate? Giving talk? Enthusiasm at giving?
Men and women involved - leadership?
Mix of men/women in congregation?
Laughter okay?
Are the people jerks?
Quality Morning tea/supper?

Follow up - What given in to fill out? How collected? Contacted - how? Chance to meet minister?

Tomorrow, in light of a similar list which was created in my final Christian Worship lecture, I discovered who the above questions don't matter as much as I thought...

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