
Thursday, May 12, 2011


Like much of mainstream Christianity, I'm going to refer to something well after it has come to the attention of the rest of the world and speak about it like it is still "cutting edge" relevant.

We all went crazy for the antics of Charlie Sheen for approximately 6.42 days in March. He was wild. We were captivated by the "tiger blood" and couldn't get enough of his "winning" shenanigans.

But in ministry "winning" has nothing to do with "goddesses."

It has to do with parents and teenagers (or at least my last two wins did).

You win when a parent writes how much they appreciate what you do.
You win when a group of teenagers say they want you pray for you and the youth group, and then do it.

Sure, these wins don't make the evening news, but they keep you going when ministry life gets tough.

1 comment:

  1. hi graham, told you i'd read it! And yes don't worry, we'll keep praying for re-boot. The coolest teen you know, nik
